Interview: The Entrepreneurial Journey Podcast
Rob recently participated in The Entrepreneurial Journey Podcast, presented by Rebecca Bonnington, where they discuss Rob’s journey to become an award winning entrepreneur.
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At RDS Innovations, we specialise in the production of forensic based door security products, and working with innovators alike to develop their new and exciting ideas.
In a market where credit is essential, we strive to help innovators ensure that their ideas and products are patented and protected.
Here you will find our why and our how, and ways that you can help develop ideas that make a real difference.
View more details about our projects below
The Simpson Security System is an automatic access control device originally conceived to combat the year-on-year rise in residential burglary, forced entry & home invasion crime. During development it has been established that this device can also be utilized in a number of commercial & industrial applications such as the security of freight & shipping containers also the implementation of the device installed within a high security door frame.
Have you ever climbed a ladder to carry out a task and then thought to yourself how stable the ladder is and how safe are you?
A new look at the simple door security chain. By utilizing knowledge gained through the development of the auto access control RDS Innovations has now developed and patented this device.
A door chain does not provide evidence of an attack. This device does.
Browse photos from installed mechanical forensic door alarms
View photos of the automatic forensic door guard/alarm
The Why
It was whilst watching an episode of a UK Police drama. The scene depicted an elderly lady answering a call at her front door, she put the security chain in place, as all crime prevention handbooks tell you to do, and opened the door, with one swift kick the chains fixings were ripped from the frame and the caller became an intruder.
It was at this point I realised how ineffective the normal door security chain/bar was and I started to think of a more efficient and effective system, over the next few weeks, numerous sketches, drawings and written accounts on how the system should function and with the help of a friend who happens to be an alarm engineer, automatic access control was born.
I established R.D.S. Innovations in May 2000, 2 years after the initial idea was conceived. Being a company has enabled us to raise funding in a legal and professional way so to create reference designs, virtual animations, prototypes and to promote the device to industry and more importantly to see all relevant patent charges to include renewals are serviced so to retain the Intellectual Property Rights on a global scale.
One of the main obstacles delaying development of auto access has been the size of the component parts required to make it fully functioning were too big. I am pleased to say that just by looking at the size of the camera/video on the back of your phone makes you realise these obstacles have now been negated.
During the development process of establishing a forensic trace evacuation method for automatic access control I was made aware of an organisation who manufactures and markets handheld personal attack alarms, one of these alarms having the ability not only to sound a high decibel alarm but at the same time spray a UV based forensic marker.
On closer inspection I realised that if this handheld device was encumbered into a static environment and installed at an entry point around the home and when in use only activated when an attempt to gain unlawful entry was made this device could be included into a range of products designed to ease the fear associated with residential burglary but at the same time if maliciously activated assist the Police in the identification of the individuals who perpetrate such criminal acts! “Forensic Chain Of Evidence” was born!
I believed the certainty of being sprayed with a UV based identifiable forensic marker would be seen by today’s criminals as the ultimate deterrent because when they activate these unique door security devices their embedded forensic trace technologies links the criminal to their crime scenes and the evidence can aid in the prosecution of offenders in a court of law.
The How
Forensic Chain Of Evidence was licensed by StranDNA & Avocet Hardware and has been installed & forensically registered by a network of installers to hundreds of homes and businesses nationwide and deployed by numerous police forces and crime reduction organisations across the UK in the following safeguarding applications, domestic violence, witness protection, Asian gold theft, repeat victims of burglary, vulnerable members of society and to ease the fear of crime. NO recorded offences at any of the target hardened addresses!
All this from watching an episode of “The Bill” (UK Police Drama)
Rob recently participated in The Entrepreneurial Journey Podcast, presented by Rebecca Bonnington, where they discuss Rob’s journey to become an award winning entrepreneur.
Robert Simpson of R.D.S Innovations is on a mission to revolutionize home security and empower crime victims, earning recognition as a finalist at the prestigious Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2023